Friday, January 2, 2009

The Helgoth Christmas Party

I was an only child for 13 years. My parents came from families of 4 and 5 kids. I wasn't use to big family get-togethers. Christmas was my parents and I until my sister was born. Occasionally we spent a Christmas with some other relatives (my dad's) but usually not. So when I met Blake and heard his dad was one of 10 kids, I had no idea what to imagine. I have had several experiences of the Helgoth clan now and I love it. But a Christmas party with everyone there, a kid's gift exchange, Mexican food, and a white elephant gift exchange for the adults was one of the most fun, funny, and greatest experiences of family I have had yet. Oh and I wish I had gotten a picture of my father-in-law (calm, quiet, gentle) stealing a gift from his aunt. You'd have to know him and see her to know how funny it all was, but trust me I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
The car ride there.
Don't you know they are up to something?

Ok, she stold this from Blake. It plays "White Christmas" while the dog pees on the snowman and the snowman has a yellow light inside that lights up where the dog pees.

I didn't know I was related to Cinderella.

He got a game that is for people over 30. That is the tag line.

She got black light silly string. Her mom stole her Starbucks gift card. Her own mother!

Ok this dog has real fur. I didn't get the picture when she stuck her hand in the box. She looked like she might puke. I did however get the next 30 seconds or so on film.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That looks like a great time!