Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After Nap Time

Today, I put PG down for his nap. I could hear he wasn't sleeping but we were doing school so I let him play in his crib thinking if he wanted to get up he would let me know. It is not atypical to go in his room after a nap and find the contents of his crib on the floor. But here is what I found when I entered the room today (no picture as someone might find it offensive):
All the contents of his crib on the floor, the only thing left in the crib was the mattress (no sheet) and PG. He had no clothes and no diaper on. I was shocked. We have had the same crib mattress for 6 years. It is old and was torn up pretty well. So the other added bonus was the foam was drenched. I called my husband up from downstairs. He said "This is a disadvantage to working at home. I am only suppose to hear about these things at the end of the day not see them." We bought a new mattress today and PG says, "Me no pee in my bed. Me no take my diaper off." At least he is learning. Maybe its time to potty train!


Beth said...

haha!!! He's a little escape artist :)

We bought one of those plastic covers to go over the mattress, thankfully we haven't had this issue yet!

Isabel said...

My kids quit napping a loooong time ago! And they are just 4, 3 and 2!

mom3crazygirls said...

oh darlin' boy!! aren't they fun!!!