Monday, December 1, 2008

PG's 2nd Birthday

PG is now officially 2. Although if you ask him how old he is he says, "Big!" And if you ask him his name he says, "George." I think he is confused. We had a great day, since my mom had done all the cooking the day before we invited them over for a chili lunch, then we opened presents, and then we had cake. There is a gift that needs explaining. Ever since I was pregnant with DG, my mom didn't like the idea of being "a grandma". She was ok with the duties, just not the age. So she wanted to be called something else, she chose Nanna and it stuck. My dad was fine with Grandpa. Well now PG can say Nana or something that resembles it but he hasn't even attempted Grandpa. So the other day before his birthday I asked him who lived with Nanna. He said, "Blue Truck" (as my dad has a blue truck). So now Grandpa is "Blue Truck" so PG got a blue truck from Blue Truck.

1 comment:

Beth said...

What a great cake!! And what a handsome boy :)
Happy birthday Peter!!