Sunday, December 14, 2008

Children's Museum again

Today we went to the Children's Museum because they are doing a performance of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe there. DG is obsessed with Narnia so it only made sense to take him. The whole family went and while we were at the show Peter played with some family friends who joined us. (Thanks again Packs!)

We got to the museum a couple hours before the show so the big kids could play some. And while we were in Science Works, we ran into some friends. What are the odds that they would be at the museum on the same day, same time and same exhibit and that we would see them. So the picture of RA in the front loader is with her favorite friend from Catholic Familyland and homeschool co-op.
The other interesting part of the day was when Daddy was on the first floor just under the balcony a child, with an oblivious (still now) parent, dropped a sippy cup right on his head. He has had a nasty headache ever since. It was a heavy, full sippy cup. DG wanted to know what would have happened if it had fallen from the 4th floor.

But still everyone had a good day.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's so funny about your friends. We drove by their car with the same bumperstickers you guys have and I thought - that LOOKS a little like the H's car but I didn't know. Then I saw the family getting in and it wasn't you. But I figured you guys knew them!

Thanks again for inviting us!