Sunday, April 19, 2009


Blogging seems overwhelming right now...
here's what has been happening: I went to the Indianapolis Catholic Women's' Conference yesterday. Then last night, Blake and I went to the church for a pot luck and a discussion and viewing of Fireproof. Today, friends from the parish threw us a going away open house. Tonight, we went to dinner with some good friends.

What is coming: Tomorrow - homeschool co-op, laundry, and cleaning
Tuesday - birthday, Mothers for Children, lunch with dear friends more cleaning
Wensday - any cleaning I haven't done yet
Thursday - movers box and MNO with homeschool co-op
Friday - movers load truck, stay at friends' house
Sat- last minute cleaning and stay at same friend's house
Sun - last Mass at OLMC and begin travels west

I will blog about all this later.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Get back on the computer!! How was the drive??