Sunday, January 10, 2010

Enjoying my kids

I love seeing my kids have so much fun with their new gifts.
DG is so into his new Lego's. But then how could you not be when, the houses have gutters, doors leading from inside the garage to the inside of the house, a working garage door, lights, a covered patio... These are not your father's legos.
RA loves coloring her new butterfly books and making anyone who will wear them necklaces and bracelets. I have two that say I heart Mommy (one is turquoise and yellow and the other purple and green). And she just glows when she gets to wear her new dress that matches the doll dress.

PG loves his table and all the playmobil stuff, especially DG's pirate set.

And looking at pictures of "me" what could be better than that? Thanks Nana and Aunt Katie for the wonderful scrap books of each kid. What great memories they will be able to keep and make more of.

1 comment:

Beth said...

They are pretty great :)