Monday, September 7, 2009

Time to blog again

I have not felt very wordy as of late. School got off too a good start and then week three and we are all sick. Ok, RA didn't get sick, but the rest of us did. Blake is doing well but on steroids and fighting hard, at home. That is the best! I guess this time of year is rough. He was sick last year around this time too.
DG - Still reading up a storm - later post on his birthday. He did receive some books as presents and polished them off promptly. He is starting cub scouts and seems excited. I think dad may be more excited than him. He has had a rough week with no schedule. Those of you who know DG aren't surprised. I am surprised that it surprised me. I am looking forward to a school week this week to get us back in order.
RA - She starts American Heritage Girls tomorrow and is SOOOOOOOOOO excited. The week before we got sick, we went on a field trip for her Five In A Row book - The Glorious Flight (another blog). She also had a feast day (another blog). (Boy I have more to write than I thought!) She is really enjoying co-op and Little Flowers, which makes me happy since I am teaching it.
PG - Is quite the talker. Wonder where he learned that?! He has enjoyed all of our various day trips and other adventures around Colorado Springs. We see my parents most mornings at daily Mass and he is always excited to see "Blue Truck". My mom got him a block puzzle with a picture on each side of the cubes. He has really been enjoying that.

On another note, my dad's dad (my Papa) had a heart attack last week. He is improving but they have to put in a pacemaker and clean out blocks in his stints. My dad went out to see him this weekend and he and his brother (who is an anesthesiologist and my dad and orthopedist) think their mom may be having some heart issues as well. They need lots of prayers.
That is the news here.

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