So I thought it was time to post again (although I think Beth is the only one who reads this).
Last week we
took a field trip with the Co-Op group to Traders Point Dairy. The kids loved it and learned some new things. Like: when they fed the calves out of a plastic tub with lots of nipples attached, the calves headbutted the plastic tub to try to get the milk to come faster (my mom says, "Oh like cats when they push there paws against their mothers", I'm think "CATS? what about my children?")
And the dairy had free range chickens (Fr. Dominic, I'm still waiting for that homily) and
DG asked how they got more
chickens if they collected the eggs (He found it interesting that they let the chickens lay eggs wherever they wanted). They told him if they didn't collect a lot of the eggs, there would be no where to walk because there would be chickens everywhere.
We also learned we like Chocolate milk straight from the dairy. I think RA was looking for the chocolate cow.
Oh, and they liked that they learned we aren't born to eat candy and cows aren't born to eat grain. Cows are born to eat grass. But I think
cow pies that come from grain fed cows are far better than cow"pies" that come from grass fed cows! Yuck!!!